Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You say goodbye and I say hello

Ok, I'm going to TRY to remember everything that has happened, but for some reason I can't seem to remember even a few days ago!

Monday of last week I went to a open call for a body parts modeling agency. It was busted. I won't go into detail, but I would not want to be associated with them.

Wednesday of last week I had an audition for a commercial in Venice (I saw the beach)!! It was all improv and a lot of fun.

Thursday of last week I believe I worked on The Doctors.

Monday I worked on Trivial Pursuit, that turned into a 10-hour work...well, more like 14-hour when you include wake up and driving time. But hey, I got overtime and paid in cash. It was also Brady week, so I saw all but one of the Brady Bunch "kids." It was funny to see them interact with each other.

Yesterday I had two auditions (almost three, but I just couldn't fit it in). I also picked up my newly reproduced headshots, which came out very niiiice. The first audition was to be a Whoville character for Universal Studios holiday show. My second audition was for a childrens entertainment group that tours small shows to schools, birthday parties, libraries, etc. He pretty much hired me on the, yay? There are five rehearsal (unpaid), but then it's pretty much only on the weekends and each show is only a 3-4 hour commitment (including driving time). And he says the rate breaks down to about $25-$60 an hour depending on the venue. Not bad.

Bee working on my website and demo reel in my spare time. Sadly, I don't think I'm going to get those two DVD's I'm waiting for for a looong time. So I'm just trying to use some stuff I recorded myself (a lot of times casting directors ask for submission videos on LA Casting) for auditions, in combination with my actual work. I think it's turning out pretty well!

Now I'm trying to get extra work for tomorrow...not going so well. But I've started trying to look at everything in a positive manner and things happen for a reason. Yay positive vibes!

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