Friday, September 26, 2008

Sometimes I can't think of a good title

It's almost the end of week two and more exciting things are on the horizon. As I stated before I started sending my headshot and resume out before I even moved, and that seems to have worked to my advantage. I was contact earlier from a manager I had submitted to, he asked additional questions and asked to see more photos. And now I have an interview with him on Monday.

Also, one of the reasons I joined LA Casting was because a good percentage of people who join obtain their agents, as they can search your profile. I had two agents contact me this week. One is a commercial agent with a very good track record, and I have an audition tomorrow. The other is a theatrical agent with a not so good track record, and thus I will not be going ahead with them. I'm incredibly hopeful I'll sign with the commercial agent!

I also decided against auditioning for the two theatre companies, because I need to stay incredibly focused on my goals right now. And sadly, the theatres would have taken up too much time and not provided enough income. I hope to do some theatre down the road, since I miss it, but right now I'll have to put it on the back burner.

Now that I finally have my new phone/number, I can sign up for extra work next week and start making more money. As well as hopefully getting some SAG vouchers. I did some more audience work, this time around on the Family Feud. Very entertaining to watch John O'Hurley (Elaine's boss on Seinfeld, voice of Neptune on Spongebob Squarepants), not to mention he allows you to ask questions during break. I found out he was born in Kittery, ME! He also talked about his voice-over work as well. Just shows you you can use every opportunity to learn something and possibly apply it to your own career.

Speaking of voice-over work, I made the "short list" for a gig I auditioned for. A short list means that they reviewed everyone and then narrowed it down to the actual contenders for the job. They'll be making their final decision in about a week - I'm hopeful I'll book this job!

I think that's all I have to update. The days are starting to blur together, and I can't seem to decide if the weeks are going by slow or fast! Till next time...

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